IoT platform

Why choose the right IoT platform development for your business?

Finding an accessible and functional IoT platform for your business is a competitive task when everyone sells different systems in the market. If you are finding yourself confused now, trust me, you are not alone. Many of you face the same dilemma when finding how to build your IoT platform from scratch. It is a complex process and requires an in-depth understanding of the product and how it will connect with the IoT ecosystem to provide scalable solutions. This blog will learn the importance of choosing the right  IoT platform and the criteria that lead to successfully deploying an IoT-enabled system for your business. 

Why choosing the right IoT platform is essential? 

When people talk about the IoT platform, they usually present it in jargon like connectivity protocols, data lakes, rule engines, etc. Although these are many terms, they don’t describe how an IoT platform can help you in the real- world. 

Every business and product is different and requires an extensive workflow system for a satisfactory outcome. Moreover, IT experts emphasize every product owner invests in promising technology by analyzing the business’s growth rate and prospects. Thanks to the ever-changing internet of things, companies have given incredible results in growth and profitability.

Nevertheless, choosing the right IoT platform is essential because it unlocks new values and profits using multiple data segments. Moreover, choosing the internet of things platform decreases your development costs and risks and accelerates your product in the market.

Criteria for choosing the right IoT platform 

Unfortunately, much of choosing the platform depends on your business needs and overall assets requirements. However, there is no specific answer to this. Your resources, budget, general condition, business model, and type of device you want to build the platform. We suggest you check the few pointers before you find the right platform. 


Every device needs a secure and privacy-driven integration to adopt the work system better. Ensuring the security tools while developing the IoT platform helps minimize the risk of leaking your company’s data to third parties. This helps prevent the risk of losing business integrity. Therefore, the revision of the IoT dashboards is necessary to understand the security solutions they offer. In addition, functionalities like SOTA or secure DTLS data encryption are must-haves for every IoT platform. 

Growth Rate

It’s critical to remember that when a company grows, its needs are likely to alter. While any IoT platform built will have no trouble handling a hundred intelligent devices, the system’s complexity grow exponentially. As a result, it’s critical to see if your preferred IoT platform has a portfolio that includes multi-million item deployments. When your company grows, this knowledge will come in handy: your IoT platform will expand.


It’s vital to remember that the transfer of data is generally done over many channels via distinct IoT protocols. This is due to the fragmentation of the IoT environment. Therefore, the introduction of new technology brings limitations to integration capabilities between devices leading to fragmentation and increased security risks. A variety of solutions are offered in answer to this difficulty, including the standard-based LwM2M, an IoT protocol used for telemetry and device management.

IoT platform life expectancy

When choosing an IoT platform, you’ll generally want to commit to it for a more extended period to avoid service disruption and financial losses. For deployment to be future-proof, the platform that supports it must be designed to last at least a few years, have an established track record, and evolve with the market. While your company’s platform may outlive you, the vendor should provide tools to effortlessly transfer your deployment to another forum to avoid investment issues.

How does IoT fit with the ERP system? 

The digital enterprise has resulted in a minor adjustment in how companies use ERP software. The ERP system’s long-standing reputation as a monolithic data store is fading. Instead, ERP solutions are increasingly serving as the enterprise’s actual communication fabric, allowing seamless integration across all lines of business.

  • Various apps can connect to the ERP’s one source of data truth.
  • The use of APIs will provide app functionality across many platforms for businesses.
  • Different software solutions can connect by using the ERP platform as a middleware to store data and translate data from multiple forms so that each app can access the data as needed.

Final word

Choosing the right IoT platform for your business can bring multiple results for a long time goal.  Individual offers of IoT platform providers should be studied in detail before picking the correct solution for your organization, based on the criteria mentioned above. In this manner, you’ll be able to avoid being swayed by some market participants’ sales presentations, which may or may not correspond to the actual truth of their products.

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