Category IoT

Access Control & IoT

Redefining the Physical Access Control through IoT

Overview The Physical Access Control Market is an ever-growing sector enjoying ever-growing demand and prevalence,  with nearly 45% of employees having determined access control systems to be pivotal for a smart lock and digital security within their offices. Its usage…

Why No Code is the future of Digital Transformation

Introduction The last few years of Technological Adoption and Interactions have made it quite evident that going forward, for existing businesses and organizations to scale their operations effectively and efficiently, transforming their businesses digitally is quintessential. Almost all traditional means…

IoT Dashboards

The Power of Dashboards in IoT

Introduction “Scientia potentia est” A famous Latin aphorism which roughly translates to “Knowledge is Power”. In the 21st century context, we’d rephrase it to create the quote “Data is Power”. Just as petroleum is known as liquid gold, data is…